Jeremy Bass to follow-up pair of 2015 EPs with "The Greatest Fire" on Jan. 19th


“I wanted The Greatest Fire to be an expression of everything I was capable of, to feature the best songwriting I’ve done to date and to let rock n’ roll shine through the more diverse influences of my previous records,” says Brooklyn-based musician, Jeremy Bass.

Bass has logged countless hours mastering the classical guitar, an instrument that he was originally trained on in Italy and Spain. His ascension as a composer ultimately led to The Secret City, the arts organization for which Bass serves as musical director, receiving an Obie Award – off-Broadway theater’s highest honor. 

Bass has also proven himself as a lyricist with award-winning work for the stylistically diverse pair of EPs he released in 2015 that earned him nods from the John Lennon Songwriting Competition and UK Songwriting Contest.

With The Greatest Fire, scheduled for release on Jan. 19th, 2018 via Jungle Strut Music, he has made a masterpiece.