Hear the "night-kissed" new tune from the crushedvelvets, compared by Stereo Embers to Julee Cruise and The Jazz Butcher


Good morning! Tremendous words today from Alex Green at Stereo Embers about Dani Meza's latest as the crushedvelvets: "Dreamy and soulful shuffles that have all the night-kissed grace of Julee Cruise and the poetic finesse of The Jazz Butcher."

Man, "night-kissed" is something I'd steal if Alex hadn't given it to us. I'm really proud to be working on this project rooted in personal struggle and survival. The groove truly is in the heart here. Read more about Dani and hear the night-kissed tune (already using it!) "Dig To Me" now.

The second EP in a series of three by the crushedvelvets hits streamers tomorrow.